15-minute read

What do we mean when we say, we're a remote-first organisation?

As an organisation, we are remote-first, asynchronous by default. But it's much less scary, lonely and weird than you might've thought. In fact, we think it is super exciting. It adds a lot of flexibility and we believe it's a competitive advantage too✌️

For us, remote work is an approach to work, it's not just 'working from home'.

How is it different? ↪ We work from anywhere instead of from a central location ↪ We have flexible working hours instead of set working hours ↪ We celebrate outcomes, not the number of hours put in ↪ We use asynchronous communication over synchronous communication ↪ We believe in transparency over need-to-know access

What's in it for you ↪ Flexibility and autonomy ↪ You get to skip the commute ↪ Fewer interruptions, more flow

Asynchronous vs. Synchronous ↪ We default to working asynchronouslySynchronous communication is carefully planned ↪ We make the most of meetings

So that's remote in a nutshell for you. Now, read on to get a more in-depth understanding of the **WHY** and our best practices on working asynchronously and **synchronously.**

And don't forget to jot down any questions or concerns that arise along the way. Your POC will be more than happy to help you unpack or spar on anything that's unclear. We're a friendly bunch 👨🏾‍💻👩‍💻
