5-minute watch, 15-minute read, reflect and digest

Our vision To make every learning experience truly engaging through social learning.

It's that simple. And embodying our virtues is one of the things that helps us deliver on this. Individually and as a team.

Our virtues are what makes us unique You've likely already come across our virtues during the interview process. And that's because our virtues are not just incredibly important to us, they're what makes us unique 🌈

Where other organisations have values, we have virtues. The difference between virtues and values is that virtues are values in action. Being able to authentically embody our virtues and leading by example is part of what it means to do well at Aula 🌻

So, if you're curious to understand how we started our virtues, hit play on this video. It's a 3-minute watch, so no tea required!

So, that's was the TLDR version. To become fully fluent in our virtues, we recommend you head over to Notion. This is where you'll find our most up-to-date thinking on our virtues and how to best embody them at work.

Once done, come back here and jot down your thoughts and reflections. If you need inspiration, use these questions they'll get your brain buzzing in no time:

↪ What are our 3 virtues? ↪ What role do the virtues play at Aula? ↪ How might you embody these virtues?

If you feel comfortable **head to the community part of the AulaU space and share:

↪ Where have you seen these virtues in action already at Aula? ↪ Which virtue resonates with you the most?