15-minute activity

How's your brain feeling today? 🧠 Tired, buzzing, or maybe something entirely different?

To help you shut off from work and successfully transition out of your third day at Aula, we once again suggest you give your brain 5 minutes to land...

How? It's still super simple!

↪ Switch off your notifications and anything else you have running in the background ↪ Put your phone on silent (yes, we know, this takes courage) ↪ Close your eyes and take a couple of deeeeeep belly breaths ↪ Finally, tune into your body and just stay as you are, breathing, for a couple of minutes

Wow, already three days in! How do you feel? Mentally? Energetically?

Reflect and digest_ As ever, we're curious to hear how you've experienced today. So, please spend 5-10 minutes jotting down your thoughts on the below questions. If you feel like it, you can log your thoughts in your personal Notion Notebook 🗒️ ✏️

What's the most surprising or interesting thing you've learnt today?What's felt challenging?What's one thing you're looking forward to tomorrow?

Once you're done, please share one thing you're looking forward to experiencing or learning tomorrow.

Share on the Community Feed ✏️ What is one thing you're looking forward to learning or experiencing tomorrow? Remember to tag your entry by clicking 'Add Tag' and tagging it as *Hope*

This will enable you to sift and review *Hope* from other new joiners who've travelled this space before you!

And don't worry if you are currently the only human on here, someone else will be here soon and they'll be curious to see what your *Hope* from DAY 3 was 🚀