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A Learning Experience Platform Aula was started with the vision of a world where every learner is empowered to reach their full potential.

Along the way, we’ve learned that in order to achieve this we need to focus our efforts on better enabling those that deliver the learning experience - the educators. As such, the vision that guides our work every day is:

To make every learning experience truly engaging through social learning Our partners work with us because we understand pedagogy, not just technology.

A unique take on the LXP Everything we do at Aula is focused on making it easy for educators to create community-first learning experiences that truly engage students.

Contrary to the content-first learning experiences that currently dominate the world of higher education, the community-first learning experience is as much about meaningful connection as it is about academic challenges.

For a student, this means a big shift in the learning experience. No longer will it be ‘death by powerpoint’ and bolted-on ‘chat’ features that ultimately get side-stepped for students’ preferred methods of communication. Instead, a community-first learning experience brings students together into a shared learning experience that values meaningful connection as much as academic challenge.

Concretely, a community-first learning experience balances and interweaves the learning community with a learning journey designed to scaffold the path to mastery whether the module is being delivered in-person, fully online, or somewhere in between.


Key Benefits Aula makes it easy for educators to create these community-first learning experiences by combining easy-to-use technology with evidence-informed learning design.

The Aula LXP brings 2 unique benefits to universities, their educators and, ultimately, students:

↪ Easy-to-use technology eliminates barriers to connection within the learning community ↪ Evidence-informed learning design reduces the time it takes educators to create engaging learning experiences from 80 hours to just 8

Easy-to-use technology means that, while Aula was built for education, it was designed to look and feel like the technology students and educators use every day. Navigation is intuitive and getting started requires minimal training.

What’s more, the platform is designed to eliminate barriers to connection within the learning community - encouraging interaction, rather than impeding it. Where the connection gets lost 12 clicks deep in the LMS/VLE, Aula fosters connection by ensuring students are never more than 1 click away from their peers and educators.