30-minute read, 15 minutes for reflection

Time to dust off your reading glasses Now that you know who your go-to people are and you've gotten to know our team a bit better, it's time to get curious about our story and the platform 🤓

1. READ: 'Why Aula isn't an LMS or a VLE' Something we often need to explain when we describe Aula is that the platform is neither a Learning Management System (LMS) nor a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). You're probably also itching to understand the difference. Click here to read the full story.

Reflect ↪ In your own words, spend 5 minutes summarising why Aula isn't an LMS or a VLE ↪ What are your key 3 takeaways? ↪ What questions arose as you were reading?


2. READ: Putting $4.2M to work — building ‘digital campuses’ The only thing that really matters in education is engagement. If students don’t engage — with their material, peers, educators, and their own learning process — little is gained for anyone.

However, the meaning of engagement has changed as digital engagement takes centre stage in many of our interactions. With friends, with colleagues, in education. At Aula, we believe this shift will create two types of educational institutions. Click here to learn more.

Reflect ↪Why do educational institutions work with Aula? ↪What are some of the barriers to meaningful digital engagement? ↪What insight or fact surprised you the most?


3. READ: Education starts with conversation: how we designed Aula Universities often observe that it is difficult to engage students. Students don’t reply to and sometimes don’t even read their emails, and are often reluctant to use LMS forums.

However, most people naturally like to engage with others as the popularity of conversational platforms like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, WeChat and Slack demonstrates. Read on to learn how Aula designs for engagement.