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Now that you've had a chance to understand the why of Aula as a remote-only team, it's time to consider what routines and habits will be conducive to your health and wellbeing.

How to shut off from work One of the greatest difficulties people have with remote work is maintaining their work-life balance. With colleagues in different time zones and no office to punch in and out of, it’s common to feel guilty and end up overworking.

"There is always more to do, and when you work remotely, there is no one to tell you to go home or that the office is closing, so it has to be YOU who decides when to stop. You have to decide that the rest of your life is worth making space for, and not let work take over that time" - Kate Stull

Your mission should you choose to accept it Shutting off from work and establishing boundaries when you're remote-only is easier said than done, so your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to head to the Community Feed of this space and share:

What routines do you have in place to transition in and out of work? What are your transition moments?How do you balance your energy levels during the day? What do you do to resource yourself?How many different things can you find that would support your well-being at Aula?

"For me, having a fake commute by walking to and from the station at the beginning and end of the day creates a separation in 'going to and from work'. I also completely shut down my workstation so that work is not easily accessible after shutting off for the day." - Rikita

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