3-minute read

As you've probably guessed from the title of this module 'Before you join', this section of AulaU focuses on getting you ready for your very first day at Aula 🌱

Before you dive in We know that onboarding can be a somewhat stressful experience and maybe even more so when joining a fully remote team. This is why we've created this structure for you so that you can get going with setting things up and settling in before your first day.

Make sure you complete all steps To ensure you're set up for success, it's important that you complete all steps in this journey. This ensures you know a little more about our culture, strategy and ways of working, before getting stuck into your day-to-day role.

In addition to the pre-boarding content, feel free to send a calendar invite to your onboarding POC (Prachi Patel, Katia Gass, or Mariana Aguiar) for a casual coffee chat ☕️

Actively engage As you progress on your journey within this space, you'll notice that we encourage you to 'take action' on the content we've curated for you in different ways. This is because Aula is all about learning through active participation rather than passively absorbing content.

Be prepared And yes, there'll be some things along the journey that are going to suck a tiny bit, like setting up all the must-have tech and getting access to the different systems that will enable you to be effective in your day-to-day role. There's just no way around it.

But we promise we'll do our best to make these moments suck less, so you can focus on the moments that matter; Getting to know us, our culture, strategy and product better 😊

A quick note Aula is organised into spaces - AulaU is just one of the spaces you will have access to. You'll have time to navigate around Aula during your onboarding.

Let's get started 🚀