We recommend you spend 1 hour on this to begin

The short version A diverse and inclusive culture is essential to our success as an organisation and as a result, we're committed to the unlearning of inequality.

The slightly longer version At Aula, we put our mouth where our money is so we don't just talk about being diverse and inclusive.

Success looks like ↪ An inclusive culture that is a space of belonging and equity for all, and ↪ Equity and diversity for our team members, in all areas and layers of the organisation, and for these team members to want to stay within the organisation.

Our approach Our approach is based on the understanding that people’s experiences are complex, drawing upon intersectionality. All of our supporting activities are focused on learning and acknowledging that this will be an ongoing learning journey where we need to stay committed to unlearning inequality and learning allyship 👨🏾‍💻👩‍💻.

A tangible example of how we practice inclusion ↪ The ‘loudest voices in the room’ don’t take precedence.

In practice, this means that...

↪ We understand and are aware of different communication styles within our organisation ↪ Meetings are structured in ways that enable all types of voices to be heard ↪ We make an effort to get to know each other, so we can encourage those who find it challenging to participate in group discussions to do so

Our DE&I library We're proud of our ever-growing DE&I library and think it's important for all team members to engage with the materials so that we can all embody active allyship and inclusive behaviours.

Spend 45 minutes reviewing the materials

What's next? As mentioned, we see this as an ongoing journey so we're not asking you to read everything end-to-end right now but we do expect that you continue to learn about this topic for as long as you're with us 🌱