30-minute ride

You guessed it. It's tech time 💻

On today's menu, we have Notion, Loom and Miro. So grab a snack and settle into your space. If all goes well, this should be a fairly smooth ride. All of these accounts will be set up using your Gmail (aula.ac.uk) account.

Task 1

Set up Notion 📑

Spoiler alert: This is where the Brain lives

Notion is a powerful editor. It's where we store our public and private Brain and is our source of truth. To get access to this editorial wonder machine all you need to is:

↪ Login using an invitation send to your Google account, then download the mobile app ↪ Try global search with CMD + P ↪ Try typing '/' to insert a bullet, a to-do or a whole new page ↪ You may also find this tutorial on using Notion useful

If your mind is set on becoming a superuser, this is where you should go next. It's a 14 minute watch so maybe grab yourself a cup of tea first.

Task 2

Set up Loom 🌀 Spoiler alert: Setting this up will be the simplest thing you ever do!

Loom is a video messaging tool that helps you get your message across through instantly shareable videos. And since this is your 2nd day with us, you've probably already seen this tool in action. It's great for Async video communication and we use it both internally and externally.

To sign up, simply check your Gmail inbox for an invite and sign up!

Make sure to download the browser extension too for quick and easy access to Loom.

Task 3

Set up Miro 🎨

Spoiler alert: Collaboration has never been so easy