15-minute activity

We have covered a lot today! 😅 Below is a handy checklist to make sure you have covered all the items for the day.


✅ - Required

🟣 - Optional

Async Work

✅ Watch: Welcome Video from Anders, our Co-founder

✅ Essential Tech: Aula - Log In

🟣 Essential Tech: Aula - Download Mobile App

✅ Essential Tech: Slack - Log in and join the Aula workspace

🟣 Essential Tech: Slack - Download desktop app. (You're welcome to use the web browser instead)

✅ Essential Tech: 1Password - Log in and join the "Aula at Coventry" vault

🟣 Essential Tech: 1Password - Download desktop app, mobile app, and Chrome extension (this is your preference on how you want to access 1P)

✅ Introduce yourself on the #general Slack channel

✅ Watch: Mission and Virtues Video

✅ Create your Me-Manual

✅ Comment on the Discussion Forum of the AulaU space and attach your Me-Manual

✅ Submit the "Me-Manual Submission" assessment

✅ Upload your Me-Manual to the Shared Google Drive folder

✅ Read materials on Diversity, Inclusion, Culture, and Equity