15-minute activity

Day 2 has covered a lot of material! 📚 Take a look at the checklist below to make sure you're covered and ready for Day 3!


✅ - Required

🟣 - Optional

Async Work

✅ "DayOne" post on AulaU

✅ Essential Tech: Notion - Log In

🟣 Essential Tech: Notion - Download Mobile App

✅ Essential Tech: Loom - Log in

🟣 Essential Tech: Loom - Download browser extension

✅ Essential Tech: Miro - Log in

✅ "BRAIN" Post on AulaU

✅ Read: Un-busy Leaders at Aula

✅ Read: Why and how we work remotely

✅ "BREATHE" Post on AulaU

✅ "SillyAmbitious" Post on AulaU