15-minute activity

We've said it before but it doesn't make it any less true. Repetition is good for the brain 🧠

So before you dive into the content and resources we have put together for you today, let's pause here for a moment to give you a chance to:

  1. Check in with yourself
  2. Recall what you learnt yesterday

Check-in with yourself It may seem a little weird at first, but checking in with yourself simply means asking yourself a few kind questions and giving yourself the same level of attention you'd offer to most of your friends and family at any given point in time.

Here are 3 great questions to get you started ✅

↪ Where is my head at today? What thoughts are here? ↪ How are my energy levels? ↪ Knowing this, how do I wish to set myself up for the day?

Taking stock of what is working and giving yourself a moment to reflect on where you want to spend your time and energy is the first step towards managing your brainpower and mental resources in a way that's in support of your well-being and performance. So, we suggest you consider making a habit of it 🌻

Ready to move on? Got ya!

What are your key takeaways from yesterday? We encourage you to treat this activity as a stream of consciousness. Close your eyes for a moment. Collect your thoughts. Then start writing down your thoughts to the following prompts:

↪ What themes were covered yesterday? ↪ What are your 3 key takeaways? ↪ What is one question you're still looking for an answer to?

Once you're clear on this, head to the Community Feed within the AulaU space and share your top 3 takeaways with your cohort. Tag your post using the tag DayOne.