So, someone new is joining your team. That's exciting and a cause for celebration 🥳. You put in all the hard work to hire them, and now they are here. We've put together some tips for how to make the most of your first one-to-one (1:1).

Have a plan

It's the most simple of all tips, but having a plan for your first one-to-one will ensure you cover any essential information they need to know and leave time for welcoming them properly. This is your first 1:1 so don't worry about work just yet.

Prep the team

We know it's your first one-to-one with the new joiner, but the rest of the team must know who's joined and what they'll be working on. Take a peek at their diary, and you'll be able to see who they are meeting. Use this time to explain who they'll get to meet across the team, what roles they play and how you all work together.

Get them a glass of water

Not literally, of course, we are remote first. But it's easy to forget that joining a new team, especially one transparent by default, can feel like drinking from a fire hose. AulaU takes care of setting the wider organisational context, so use your time for something more personal; remind them why you choose them to be part of your team. This is also a good time to talk about what they are most interested or excited about working on at Aula.

Talk about you

All new joiners will put together a Me-Manuals during AulaU. This is a handy guide about how they work and their preferences. You can cover this in your next 1:1. In your first 1:1 you should complete your own Me Manual, and share it with them. The focus is put on you rather than them, which can be a welcomed change during onboarding. More importantly, it helps you both better understand each other and set up a strong working relationship.